Voce Veritas (vō-chē ve·ri·tas) means "True Voice" in Latin. While the company name may be a mouthful, it has significant meaning for CEO & Founder Catherine Glynn.
The words "Ye Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make Ye Free" emblazoned upon the portal of one of her alma maters, UT Austin, now serve as a mantra for her and the entire company.
Her passion is to pursue excellence in communications and the performing arts.
The Leadership Presence & Executive Coaching she and her global colleagues deliver combines the best stage presence and preeminent leadership training practices.
At Voce Veritas, we aim to set your true voice free.
In 2025, we are celebrating twenty years at Voce Veritas; we've been providing our clients with exceptional executive coaching and leadership training.
At Voce Veritas, we will help transform your approach to communications and enhance your presence regardless of your field of expertise.
We believe in individuation and cater to your specific needs and learning style. By listening carefully to your story, attending to your cultural needs and style, as well as observing your physical habits, we create custom-designed packages and workshops.
We specialize in online communication skills training, and we work with leaders from all walks of life at a variety of stages in their careers.
If you're seeking a dynamic, interactive, and inspiring keynote speaker for your next event, CEO Catherine Glynn is now accepting invitations for keynotes on her latest books, Leadership, Distilled: Twelve Brief Lessons...One Big Impact and Presence, Distilled...Five Points of Presence Every Great Leader Needs to Know.
If you wish to pursue in-person or online leadership presence, speech, or executive coaching, Catherine and her cohorts will deliver communication coaching as unique as your situation.
Virtual coaching and presentations are available through Zoom or your platform of choice.
Catherine Glynn's second book Presence, Distilled is now available now on Barnes & Noble and Amazon.